Closing the gender pay gap
July 4, 2022
We’re proud to have signed Mind the Gap’s open letter to Government calling for pay gap reporting.
Women earn less than men, contributing to higher rates of financial hardship and dependence, and lower overall economic security and wellbeing. These outcomes are worse for Māori and Pacific women.
A lack of economic security and wellbeing makes people vulnerable to coercion and control, which are behaviours that can lead to economic harm.
A lack of financial security and independence is also cited as one of the main reasons why a person does not leave a violent relationship, why they may go back to a violent relationship, or why they are unable to gain control of their lives and thrive after a violent relationship has ended.
In our 2018 research into economic abuse, participants with lived experience shared that they put their financial needs ahead of their physical safety.
Introducing pay gap reporting, an action that has been shown to increase women’s wages and economic security, is one step we can take towards shifting that balance of power.
You can join the movement by signing the petition calling for pay gap reporting.